• Monday Musings – July 6th
    Can you believe it’s July already? Where did June go? It seems like it just started and now it’s gone. I hop everyone had a good June and a good July 4th. We stayed in and watched the neighbors fireworks, then finally sat and watched Train to Busan. Because nothing says patriotism like a Korean […]
  • Monday Musings: A Day Late, Memorial Day Edition
    Good Tuesday everyone, and welcome to my Monday Musings! I fully intended on getting this up in time for Monday (see the theme in the title), but with the holiday that just didn’t happen. I spent all weekend fixing up part of the backyard to plant a garden; about 9 hours total. Sore is an […]
  • The story of social isolating so far – Monday Musings 5/18/2020
    Hey guys, Things have been pretty ok around here. We are adjusting to our current life and waiting for everything to hopefully go back to normal. The big, big upside is having more time. What do we do with all this time you? Well, I’m glad you asked! We have a huge mint patch in […]
  • Self Isolating is Overwhelming. Why is it?
    My husband and I have been self-isolating since mid-March. At first, it was pretty cool. I got to stay at home with my husband all day! I didn’t have to battle the traffic to work! All I really want to do normally is stay at home, so it was perfect. It was perfect until it […]