Slices of my life, one bite at a time.

Monday Musings – July 6th
Can you believe it's July already? Where did June go? It seems like it just started and now it's gone. I hop everyone had a good June and a good …
Travel items I can’t leave home without part 1: The Plane.
We love to travel . My husband and I have a lot of places we want to visit. This is hard right now, considering no one is going anywhere fun, …
Aloo Gobi (Cauliflower and Potato Bhaji)
Gather round children. I know that Indian food seems really scary. All those spices are intimidating to cook with. And if you don't have them already, expensive to purchase. But …
Spicy Pork Bulgogi that’s perfect for summer.
We've been working our way through what we have in the freezer, trying to stretch our grocery trips. It's rough. I'm used to going grocery shopping once a week and …