Hello and welcome! My name is Megan. I’ve been cooking and tweaking recipes for years, so my husband encouraged me to start writing some of my improvements down. I am interested to see if I can keep track of my original recipes well enough to document them.

I love reading, especially cookbooks and food-related books. My favorite is discovering new, exciting methods and recipes. My cooking ranges from baking to bhaji, and everything in between! We also love to travel and see new places. I have some stories to tell, and hopefully, there will be more in the future!

I live in New Jersey, by way of New Mexico, then Alabama, which is where I met my Indian husband. Between the two of us, we have a pretty diverse palette, and I try my best to keep us well fed!

I majored in English and have a background in technical writing. The blogs name is an inside joke involving boba tea and my in-laws. I also make a mean sabudana khichdi!

I hope you enjoy your time here! If you have any questions, please drop me a line! I would be happy to hear from you!
