Hey guys,

Things have been pretty ok around here. We are adjusting to our current life and waiting for everything to hopefully go back to normal. The big, big upside is having more time. What do we do with all this time you? Well, I’m glad you asked!

We have a huge mint patch in our backyard. When we first moved in, we didn’t own a lawnmower, so we hired people to cut the grass. The first time I mowed the grass, I noticed that unmistakable smell. So I pretty much stopped mowing one corner of the yard to see what would come up.  We have not one, but two different kinds of mint back there! I spent more of this weekend weeding.  I am currently planning on clearing a little more of the yard and planting some more herbs. 

To hopefully help with this, I bought a couple of books.  Homegrown Herbs, which was recommended to me by one of the gardeners at Laurel Hill Cemetery (they’ve been doing online talks), and  Plant Magic because I want to pretend I’m more granola than I actually am.  I’ve been going through the to find the best way to have the practical garden of my dreams. I want everything, even the flowers to be edible. 

I am really liking  Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies. Tara Schuster is HILARIOUS and I have never felt so seen in my whole life. Y’all, I could have written this book. It has so many good tips and things to try when everything is falling apart (like right now!).  Another great one is Tiny Habits, which tries to help you figure out your life in a different way. I am obsessed with lists. I am CONVINCED if I can just crack the best order to live my life in everything will be perfect. He recommends getting started at the tiniest place you can imagine. His example is to “floss one tooth”, and this has become something of a mantra around the house. 

My current favorite image from my vision board is:

Beautiful text graphic stating "Anxiety is a Liar".

Credit: https://www.instagram.com/i.drink.tea/

Finally, if you haven’t checked out “The Great” yet, run don’t walk to Hulu. It is funny and dark and so so lewd. I really really love it and will be super bummed when we finish the season. Anyone have shows they can recommend to us?

