Growing up in New Mexico, the best part of the year was the fall. The heat finally broke a little bit, there were a ton of events, and the green chile was being harvested. Everywhere you go you can smell roasting green chile. Grocery stores sell huge bags of chiles and have roaster drums set up outside. The drums go round and round, blistering the chiles. This makes the skin easier to remove and adds a slightly sweet smoky flavor. It’s magical.

Living in New Jersey, it is impossible to get green chile. At least, in the same way you can if you live in the Southwest. Even in the off-season, you can buy both red and green chiles frozen, which are the best alternative to fresh roasted. Here we have access to some jarred brands that are pretty decent, and the canned green chiles work in a pinch. So far I’ve never been able to find a brand that is hot enough, but I make do with what I have. The brand I used for this recipe was 505, courtesy of my sweet grandma. She still lives in New Mexico and she sends me what she can when I need my fix!


Green Chile Cheese Sauce


  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/2 medium onion diced
  • 1 16 oz jar diced green chile, any heat If you can't find any green chiles, you can sub for jalapenos.
  • 12 oz can evaporated milk
  • 1 lb shredded cheese I prefer to use bagged cheese when making cheese sauce. I've found that the corn starth helps with the texture.
  • salt to taste


  • Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. When the butter is melted add the onions.
  • Cook the onions until they are starting to brown.
  • If using jalapenos, add them to the onions and cook until they start to get soft.
  • If using jarred or canned green chiles, add them to the pan with the onions and the evaporated milk, stirring to combine.
  • Bring the heat to medium-low, and warm the mixture until it's hot, being careful not to scorch the milk.
  • When the mixture is hot, add the cheese handfuls at a time, whisking in between additions. Whisk until all the cheese is incorprated and smooth.
  • Taste for salt and serve with chips or in tacos or as nachos.